Contract Marriage with My CEO Boss (Kylan and Katrina)

Chapter 33

Katrina was moving slower than normal, her heels and the dress causing her equal difficulty. But she pressed on and eventually made it to the lobby of her building.

Stepping our of the elevator, she turned and began the trek to the front doors

And that's when she saw him.

Kylan, Standing near the fireplace. Wearing a tuxedo that completely took her breath away.

His eyes shifted to hers at her approach, and she was surprised when he wasn't able to hide his initial reaction to seeing her. She watched as his roamed her figure and then over her face. His mouth was slightly agape and for another moment, he just stared at her She grew steadily more self-conscious and cleared her throat, "Uh, hi. You look. You look great, Kylan," she told him honestly.

Her eyes traveled his figure as well, taking in the black bowtie that adorned his neck, and the way that his hair was perfectly combed around his head. He also smelled wonderful, she noticed. A mixture of soap, pine, and mint, and her heart fluttered slightly in her chest. Kylan licked his lips and then closed his mouth. "Sit still," he mitructed, his voice low and restrained.

She watched him curiously as he pulled a small box from within the pocket of his tuxedo pants. He opened it and she gaped. A matching bracelet and necklace were nestled in black velvet. They were both made entirely of diamonds, sparkling brilliantly in the lighting of the lobby

"Kylan." She breathed out in disbelief. "I can't possibly accept these she told him, completely serious

Kylan rolled his eyes at her words. "Don't be ridiculous, Kate. Now sit still, as I said."

He pulled out the bracelet first, reaching for her wrist and clasping it in place easily. He then removed the necklace and put the empty box back in his pocket. He stepped forward then, suddenly very close to her, and moved her hair out of the way.

Instead of asking for her to turn around, he undid the necklace and put it around her neck, moving even closer to her, and then securing it in place. with expert fingertips. His eyes never left hers, not for a single second

Those same fingertips brushed either side of her neck as he looked down at the necklace that now adorned it.

"There" he mumbled. His eyes were back on hers as he reached a hand up and suddenly brushed the side of her face with the back of his fingers.

She watched him, mesmerized by the way he was handling her. He then seemed to come back into himself and cleared his throat, stepping away from her. She blinked a few times, oddly missing his proximity to her.

He held an arm out to her and she took hold of it, grateful for the steadiness it gave her. She felt like an impostor in her dress and now the jewelry too, all while Kylan guided her out of her building.

She was surprised to see a limousine in place of the usual SUV she was used to being driven around in. She was happy that Oscar was still the one driving, though.

She gave him a grin as soon as she saw him, and he smiled back at her with equal happiness.

"You look gorgeous, Kate, Oscar told her, opening the door for her

She blushed at his words. "Thank you, Oscar," she said quietly.

Kylan had to help her in the car, the fluffiness of the skirt of her dress causing a momentary setback. and Kylan slid in after her.

finally, she sat in the backseat of the limo,

The drive to the venue was quiet, with Kylan glancing at her every now and then. She was far too nervous to talk to him. She was intimidated, to be honest. Far more intimidated than she usually was. This would be the most public date she and Kylan had yet to be on She would be surrounded by people she knew, and several others that she didn't.

She tried her best to approach the coming ball from a PR perspective, reminding herself how good this would be for Ross Corp. It only helped quell her nerves a little bot, and her heart was thundering agam by the time Oscar pulled up to an expansive mansion on the outskirts of the city.

She waited for Kylan and Oscar to both help her out of the car, her clutch and mask in hand. She was freezing in her gown, having chosen to forego a shawl or jacket of any kind in favor of fashion.

Kylan stepped over to her and gently took her mask out of her hand.

"Let me help you," he said quietly, carefully putting the mask over her head and adjusting it over her eyes. He moved back only slightly, his eyes scanning her face. He looked nervous again, but she brushed it off.

She followed his lead and grabbed the mask visible from the pocket of his pants. She fixed it over his face, flittering with his hair so that it laid just right. And then she stepped away to look at him.


And shit, he looked every be as captivating and mysterious as the thought he would. The grey of his eyes stood out in stark contrast to the black of his mask and hair alike. His already sharp jawline appeared to be even sharper with the mask on his upper face, and she could teel herself ogling him, but she had no idea how to stop.

-Shall we?" Kylan finally said, his voice an octave lower than normal

He held an arm out for her once again, and she grasped it may be a little bit too eagerly. She tried to tell herself to calm down. That this was just another date, and it was yet more of the façade, and that was it.

Kylan matched her sightly slower pace, obviously noticing that it was necessary with how grand her gown was. As soon as she crossed the threshold of the mansion, she felt like she was transported to another time. ch of the

Gold, black and silver decorations adorned nearly every inch of the place. The dim lighting reflected the ambiance the mansion was no doubt hoping to achieve. It was gorgeous, gothic, and mysterious, perfectly echoing the guests her eyes raked over. Soft music played from somewhere she couldn't see as Kylan guided her further into the room.

It was difficult trying to tell who anyone was beneath the various masks that ranged from simple ones like Kylan's to over-the-top ones filled with feathers, giant jewels, and intense beaks. She felt slightly better as Kylan walked her around. There was a certain air of anonymity that she hadn't accounted for when considering what the ball would be like.

Kylan guided her to a table near the corner of a grand ballroom, and she sat down as gracefully as she could. He sat next to her and draped an arm around her, allowing his hand to rest gently on her nearly naked shoulder.

She shivered slightly but leaned a little bit more into his side. If he was bothered, he didn't say as much.

She spent the next hour and a half partaking in a lavish meal, taking care to have two napkins draped over her lap the entire time.

At one point, Kylan left her briefly to say a few words at the front of the room. She watched him talk, continuously taken aback by how he looked and even sounded. Had his voice always had that husky quality to it! Or was that new! When he sat next to her again, his arm went right back around her and she didn't protest

She listened as a few other executives went over the various charitable donations for that year. When someone mentioned that Kylan had donated one hundred thousand dollars to a local children's hospital, she couldn't keep the awe of her face. Finally, she was full of delicious food and two glasses of champagne by the end of the meal and speeches. A man with blonde hair and blue eyes poking beneath his white mask walked over to her table.

"You look wonderful, Kate." She recognized Ryan's voice and smiled politely.

"Thank you. Sir. You do, too, she told him kindly.

Ryan returned her smile and then shifted his gaze to Rylan next to her. "Max had already prepared the invitation cards for your wedding in a few weeks. It is quite a good timing that both business partners and big journalists are here tonight." Katrina pursed her lips and nodded, looking around to see said invitation cards at the side, ready to be handed out.

"You should dance to a few songs with Kate, Kylan. Photographers will no doubt be able to get a few pictures of her that way, he suggested casually.

Kylan sighed loudly. "Do you insist?" he asked through clenched teeth.

Ryan looked down at him in amusement that she could see even beneath his mask. "I do, Kylan, he responded cheerfully. "After that, you may announce your wedding dair"

Kylan sighed through his nose before nodding.

"Excuse me" Ryan bowed slightly and then turned away

ty from their table.

She looked at Kylan wearily, but he stared back at her with a relatively blank expression.

"Come on, then," he said, starting and reaching a hand out to her.

She followed him to the dance floor, where several other couples were already swaying gently to the slow sounds of the live band she could now

make our

"How do you want to do this?" the murmured to Kylan

Kylan faced her and then pulled her into him, prompting her to wrap her arms around his neck whilst he put his hands on her hips. "Just... just sway," he grumbled under his breath.

She nodded at him, following his lead, and moving her body in the way he moved his. It was awkward at first. Kylan wasn't looking at her and his hands on her hips were loose. She knew she wasn't passing as a couple in love, and people were definitely staring. She summoned her courage and stepped closer to Rylan, looking up at him. She allowed her hands to travel into the undercut of his hair, surprised

by how so it was against her fingers. She brought her face to his pulled his head down, and rested her forehead on his tentatively.

"Act like you like being close to me. People are staring" she breathed, her eyes locking onto his highlighted grey ones.

She heard Kylan swallow and then he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her to him. They swayed like that, staring into each other's ryes and moving to the music ever so slightly

She found herself slowly getting lost in his eyes, in his smell, in the way he was now looking at her. She couldn't explain it, not even if someone asked them to do just that. But the air around them shifted and suddenly, she was even closer to Kylan. She was pressed even further against him.

Her breathing quickened and her hands gripped the back of his neck more firmly. She noticed that Rylan's own breathing matched hers almost exactly and her heart was positively thundering within her chest.

And then her eyes scanned his lips, and his eyes scanned hers, and she almost allowed herself to indulge in a kiss. But she remembered at the last moment that he controlled things like any kissing, and as much as the energy was weird around her, she still respected that boundary. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable. And she didn't want to break the spell they both seemed to be under, either

They danced like that for a long while, so long that she lost track of time. Kylan never moved his forehead from hers, and his eyes never once left her gaze. She felt warm, impossibly warm, but it wasn't unpleasant.

Only weeks ago, she couldn't have imagined ever touching Kylan, let alone being near him like this. It was overwhelming and all-consuming, and she held him even closer to her almost subconsciously.

Loud clapping around she abruptly pulled her out of the bubble she and Rylan were in, and she both pulled back from each other a little bit. Other couples were praising the band, and so she and Kylan joined in politely.

Max then walked towards them, holding out a microphone for Kylan to take. Kylan took it with a frown on his face before clearing his throat, effectively catching the attention of the audience around them

There's another announcement I would like to make he said in his usual stoic tone. "As all of you know. Kate and 1 are engaged and planning to get married. But since we have been busy with saving the company, we left the preparations to my friend Ryan. Tonight, we decided to hand invitations to all of you, to witness our wedding in a few weeks time. Kate and 1 would gladly see you in the venue.

The ballroom erupted in a round of applause, cheering them on.

"I think we've made enough of an appearance, Kylan said quietly, his voice

still sounding low and different.

She nodded her head in agreement. "I'm okay to leave if you are," she responded just as quietly.

Kylan took a hold of her hand and walked her through the crowd, glancing back at her every so often

She waited outside for Oscar, the cool end-of-October air sobering her slightly. Kylan helped her back into the limo a few minutes later, and the drive to her apartment was quiet, but still filled with echoes of the tension she was sure they both felt while dancing. Or maybe it was just her? Maybe Kylan hadn't felt anything at all? It was just for the contract. She knew that. Of course, she knew that, Right?

When Oscar pulled on

over near her building, she bid him farewell before Kylan got out to help her so she wouldn't fall.

"I walk you up." Kylan offered, holding his arm out to her once more,

She smiled at him and took has arm.

The elevator ride seemed to last even longer than usual, and she did her best to remain calm and steady. There was no reason to be nervous. This was Kylan, her boss who had strict boundaries in place from the contract he put together. This was her boss who had a strange history with kissing, which she still knew basically nothing about

He was going to walk her to her door, and she was going to say goodnight. T

That was all there was to.

And that's what he did. He walked her to her door, and she turned to wish lum goodnight. But he was staring at her. Not just looking at her, but staring at her. Their masks were both still on, and it only added to the intensity of his gaze.

Ever so slowly, Kylan closed the space between her, resting his hands on her hips. He kept his eyes on hers as he reached forward and pulled her mask off her face. She did the same, lifting has mask off his face as well with slightly shaking fingers.

The only sounds she heard, were her and Kylan breathing heavily. She could feel her chest heaving as she stared at him. That same weird electricity as before, charged the air around them, enticing her, encompassing bet, beckoning her to be closer to Kylan. And so, she listened.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Kylan seemed to be contemplating something. He looked nervous, pained even, as his eyes scanned hers. Being able to see his entire face now, was nothing short of wonderful. He was beautiful. So beautiful. It almost hurt to look at him.

Slowly, Kylan rested his forehead against hers. She felt her eyes close as she held him to her.

"You look breathtaking tonight, Kate," Kylan said quietly, h

his words fanning her face. "I should go," he added.


2:43 PM

"Okay, Kylan," she agreed, but neither of them moved away from the other.

They stayed like that for a minute longer, before she fell Kylan shift his face closer to hers. She forced her eyes to remain closed. She didn't want to break this new spell, not this one. Not when she felt so warm, almost like she was floating where she stood. And then something soft and plump was against her lips, and she gasped, immediately drawing Kylan closer to her. She heard his breath catch in his throat, and he stepped so that she now rested against her apartment door.

She angled her head to deepen the sudden kiss and this time. This time, Kylan let her. He let her deepen the kiss, and that's when it changed.

It changed from being chaste and careful, to something that resembled frantic and seeking. His hands moved to cup her face as his tongue caressed her lower lip, asking for entrance to her mouth. She granted it to him without a thought, and then their tongues were dancing just like they had been back at the mansion.

It felt incredible, far more magical than it had any right to be feeling. She knew it breached the contract and Kylan's boundaries. She knew there was no reason to be kissing right now, other than that she wanted to. That thought thrilled her and scared the hell out of her. They stood like that, kissing, breathing erratically, their noses brushing with every new angle they discovered against each other's faces. She pulled away for a moment only to trail kisses down the expanse of Kylan's jaw, leading them to his neck. And then his breath caught in his throat again, and his hands gripped her upper arms gently, but firmly. He pushed her away softly and she looked at him, her eyes wide. Kylan was staring at her with a similar expression on his face. I'm sorry, Kate. I shouldn't have done that. L. That was unprofessional of me. It won't happen again. That went against everything I put in place." Kylan told her, his breathing still unsteady.

Her lips were burning from the sheer intensity of his kissing, and she saw that his lips looked swollen and wet from her lips. And yet, he was rebuking all of it. Taking it all back. She didn't understand the way her stomach seized at that knowledge. She nodded almost robotically. "R-right. I'm. I'm sorry, Kylan. I should have told you no." Her voice sounded too high-pitched and too nervous. but she was reeling from both the kiss and his rejection of it.

Kylan looked pained again. "It's not your fault. I need to go. I'll send you five thousand as soon as I'm back in the limo," he said in an uncharacteristic rush

She felt herself frown. Always with the freaking money. It bothered her. It bothered her a lot, and she wasn't ready to address why. "Right" she responded through clenched teeth.

Kylan looked at her for another fleeting moment, before he nodded once and then walked down the hallway without saying anything She watched him walk away, half wondering if his tongue being down her throat had been a freaking fever dream after all.

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