Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 89

Kessler’s POV

As much as I have decided to let Lyra be, I think it’s easier said than done. The thought of her consumes me each day, worried for her safety. But I need to be cautious about it so I don’t lose her altogether.

Zach came home and told me he saw her at Conor’s place. That made me more pissed than I thought.

I had said earlier that I would not interfere with Conor’s threat of having Lyra for himself, but boy, I was wrong.

I can’t stand it, especially now that she is carrying my child. I will do anything to win her back.

I have her number with me, and I’ve stationed a bodyguard to watch over her. The last report I received indicated that she was lodged in one of the hotels Conor owns.

Fuck, that sends me spiraling again. What could be happening between them? My mind races with questions, but I’m thrown into another frenzy of emotions when they are seen walking hand in hand out of the hotel.

I had instructed my bodyguards to give me detailed updates about her life. Call me a freak, I accept it. But for fuck’s sake, she is carrying my heir, and nothing must go wrong with her.

My meeting with Robert left me stunned. He reveals that Lyra isn’t Kayla’s biological child and that Aiden had brought her home from one of his numerous trips.

According to findings, her birth parents died due to her aura of darkness hovering around her.

This revelation only deepens the mystery surrounding her. I feel a surge of protectiveness towards her, knowing that she’s faced such tragedy in her past. Whatever darkness surrounds her, I vow to protect her and our unborn child at all costs.

Aiden brought her home with the hope that Kayla would help harness her power, and that caused a rift between Aiden and Kayla because she felt Lyra might be born by one of his mistresses.

My heart aches for Lyra, I realize that Lyra’s past is even more complicated than I had ever imagined. But one thing is certain: I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure her safety.

Annie has left the pack, and no one knows her whereabouts. I reach out to Xander, and he equally confirms that he hasn’t seen her.

Alpha Baynes goes ballistic on me when he realizes that Annie is no longer with me. But I have no choice but to show him evidence of the atrocities she had committed.

Annie may be gone for now, but her actions have left a deep scar on me, one that will take time to heal.

Of course, he was pissed at the lengths she could go to, and Alpha Baynes knows that a betrayal to an alpha can’t go unpunished.

His authority as alpha demands retribution, and I can see the fury burning in his eyes. “No one crosses an alpha without consequences.”Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Zach strolls into my office, a radiant smile on his face. He’s completed his mating ceremony with Cara, and it’s been a blissful union.

I feel a twinge of envy, though Zach has been through a lot when it comes to the issue of finding a mate. Still, I’m genuinely happy that he’s found happiness.

His grin stretches from ear to ear, and I chuckle. “Why are you grinning like that?” I ask, unable to hide my curiosity.

Zach shrugs nonchalantly. “Nothing, just had a nice time with Cara,” he replies, his grin widening.

I roll my eyes at his teasing remark. “Yurk, please keep whatever goes on between the sheets between you and Cara to yourself,” I say, trying to suppress a smirk. “And have you been told that you act like a pussy around her?”

His grin only grows wider. “Don’t blame me, Kessler blames it on the mate bond,” he retorts. “I know you understand what I mean.”

I chuckle at his response, knowing all too well the power of the mate bond and how it can affect even the toughest of werewolves.

Even if I want to get angry at him right now, I know I can’t because he’s simply paying me back in my coin. I’ve always taunted him like this when I had my first mate.

“Zach,” I call out, the seriousness in my tone catching his attention.

“Yes, Kessler?” he responds, looking up at me.

“You said you saw Lyra,” getting straight to the point.

“Yes, I saw her,” his expression is serious now, mirroring my concern.

“How is she?”

“Beautiful as always,” Zach responds with a hint of admiration. “And you should see her, the pregnancy sure does fit her. She’s added on the right curves. But she went ballistic when she saw me”

“But I had to play it safe,” Zach continues, his expression turning serious. “I told her Cara sent me. That got her to relax, and she had a conversation with Cara.”

I nod, grateful that Zach was able to find a way to connect with Lyra, even if it was through Cara’s name. At least it’s a start.

“But Conor had to ruin the whole thing,” Zach continues, frustration evident in his voice. “She couldn’t manage to separate us after yelling at us to stop.”

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued by Zach’s tone. “Do you want to know what she did to get our attention?” he asks, a laugh bubbling up from within him.

His laughter is contagious, and I find myself chuckling along with him. Whatever Lyra did must have been quite remarkable.


“She emptied a bowl of flour all over us, and that made us stop fighting like stupid teenagers on the floor.”

I burst out laughing. I hadn’t laughed in days as I tried to picture their faces with the flour smeared on them.

“That’s typical of my Lyra.” A fond smile tugged at my lips. “She’s fierce and resilient. She’s been a survivor.”

A surge of longing washed over me as I thought of Lyra. I yearned to hold her in my arms again, to protect her and make her mine once more.

“Zach continued, she was beyond pissed and left the house in anger. I guess she went to a lodge in a hotel.”

“Oh, that explains,” I start, but stop myself before saying anything more.

“What?” Zach asks, curious about my unfinished sentence.

“Nothing,” I retorted quickly, hoping to deflect his attention. Zach has no idea that I’ve put a trail on Lyra. I want to protect her at all costs, and I hope he understands my intentions.

“Spill right now,” he demands, his tone leaving no room for argument.

“I know I was caught, so I had to tell him, “I positioned men to guard Lyra and give me feedback on every move.”

“Oh, Kessler, I wouldn’t say I didn’t support your motive, but I thought you said you would let her decide if she wants to be with you or not.”

I feel vulnerable, needing to express myself. “Zach, don’t you get it? She is pregnant with my heir, and I can’t just watch any harm coming to her.”

The love for Lyra weighs heavily on my heart, driving me to take whatever measures necessary to keep her safe.

He nods his head, indicating that he understands my reasons.

“Remember, I’ve got your back, always.”

“I know, Zach.”

Then, all of a sudden, panic grips the pack. “What the fuck is happening?” I growl, feeling the urgency rise within me. I mind-link the head guard, demanding answers. “What’s wrong? Why is there so much noise in the pack?”

“Jack, just escaped, and guards were brutally killed in the process,” the head guard relays urgently through the mind-link.

The blood in my veins seems to run cold as I stare at Zach in shock. “This is not good,” I mutter, my mind racing with the implications. “We need to act fast.”

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